Chinese Fruit & Floral Blended Tea are Medicinal and Logical, get to know it!
A Blend of Rose Bulbs, Yellow Chrysanthemum Bulbs, Lung An Fruits, Jujube Fruits and Wolfberry Fruits, called the WuBao Health Regimen Tea (五宝養生茶) when written in Traditional Chinese Characters
Chinese Medicine has had a long history of healing by balancing the Heat Map of your body, and indeed, it’s all about balancing the Heat Map of your organs. It makes sense too, as your entire health depends on your internal organs, and if they are balanced and in good order, your entire body gets to be in good shape as well.
It has long been found and used by Orientals that certain blends of Herbs, Fruits, Flowers and Teas blended together produces sparkling effect to remedy your internal organs, thus balancing the Heat Map. So it is fair to say, if your internal organs are well shaped and healthy, your entire body becomes healthy too!
It is therefore deduced that if your organs are well looked after, you will sleep better, rest better, with less aches and pains at night, thus giving you a fresh start in the morning, you will feel as you were reborn, recharged even with a day’s work ahead of you. You will feel less stressed, and more focused, which anyone knows will do a job better, regardless what it is. Obviously a dose of affordable exercise alongside would make a huge difference, as sweating out is part of the Chinese Medicinal theory, if gets the rubbish our of your system.
In order for us to lead a relaxed and healthy lifestyle, apart from having a little help with the “Buck”, one must first of all, look after our friendly organs, ‘cause they are the workers doing the work to ensure you have a nice and fit body. Herbal, Fruit and Floral Blends with Chinese Tea will just do the job for you, you should start slowly and get used to cleaning up your internal organs with a health regimen.
Bearing in mind that different blends have different effects just like any other health food or substitutes, some may help you sleep better, some helps you to relax, others reduces heat, and others has a slimming effect, and even improves your complexion, it all adds up to balancing and remedy your body, thus helping you to lead a healthier lifestyle.
Here are some recommendations on the 6 Most Common Fruit & Floral Ingredients which can be blended together to obtain different effects for balancing the Heat Map, with Slimming effect as well as improving your complexion :
The Rose Bulb, The Chrysanthemum Bulb, The Jasmine Flower, The Lily Flower, Wolfberry Fruit, and The Jujube Fruit.
The Rose has plenty of Vitamins, especially Vitamin C which reduces aging, it also invigorates blood circulation, cure bruises and traumatic injury, diminishes inflammation, smooth throat, and acelerates healing of wounds.
The Chrysanthemum, it eases anemopyretic cold, headaches, swelling of your eyes. There are two kinds of Chrysanthemum though, the Yellow and the White ones. Whilst the Yellow Chrysanthemum helps in detoxifying and clearing inner heat, the white ones clears the liver and improves your eyesight, although we understood people with weak health and those that tend to have a cold Heat Map, (i.e. People that always have cold hands and feet) should avoid, as Chrysanthemum is Cool by nature. It is more suited for people that sweats a lot and has bad breath all the time, which is a sign of your organs overheating.
The Jasmine, on the other hand, can comfort the stomach and liver, subside intestinal tract, ease nervousness and balances hormone secretion. For female, it is commonly used to relieve the menstrual pain, or reduce weight. it also has an anti-aging element.
The Lily, again has similar effects as the Jasmine, but it also reduces constipation, therefore Pregnant women and those that are suffering from diarrhea should really stay away from it.
The Wolfberry Fruit is sweet, it is good for refreshness, reduces eye tiredness and has vision benefits. It also improves your Liver health, your Heart health as it reduces heart diseases caused by high fat diets. Such a little fruit can also enhances your immune system and some says it has Cancer Prevention elements.
Finally the Jujube Fruit, it prevents Insomnia, treats Blood Circulation problem, it has the ability to purify our blood and reduce various dangerous toxins from our system. It also contributes to reducing stress on the immune system and treats back pain. This fruit is full of Vitamins, including Vit A, Vit B6 and Vit C, it has an overwhelmingl amount of Phosphorus and Potassium, where Phosphorus is the main ingredient to help your nerves and muscle do their job, while Potassium is necessary to the normal functioning of our cells and our nervous system, where it regulates the heartbeat. Most important of all, where ladies would love to hear, it improves our complexion by reducing black spots on our skin and prevents wrinkles, exceptionally good for maintaining healthy skin.
*While the above is a guideline on the benefits of our recommendations, it is always advisable for you to consult your pratitioner to see if you are suitable to use these Fruit and Floral supplements as regular tea refreshments.
**If you are fit and wishes to try it out for yourdelf, it should be drank on a regular basis with small dosage of 3-5 grams at a time, brewed and drank while it is warm (never leave it overnight), once or twice daily, but not overwhelmed with the product thinking it will take effect like walking through a time tunnel. Remember, these will only help remedies and balance your organs, so it regulates and conditions your body to have a habit of cleaning the rubbish out of your system. All good things take time to mature and perform, and that includes your body and mind!
All the best, and happy shopping with